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micro-farming info pages ref: MF-10 

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How To Grow Endive
Living On The Inside Out
t  h  e     a  r  t     o  f     l  i  v  i  n  g     l  i  g  h  t  l  y     o  n     a     f  r  a  g  i  l  e     e  a  r  t  h

How to grow, harvest and preserve endives.
Endive needs a pH range of 5.0-6.8 and germinates best at 20-22°C (68-72°F). Grow in containers inside or in your greenhouse. 100g contains 17 calories but 8% of the daily fibre required and has lactucopicrin which is anti-tumour and anti-inflammatory. Also has vitamin A and B-carotene, and vitamin B1, B3, B5 and B6 with manganese, copper, iron and potassium.

Anyone with special skills and experience in growing produce and keeping animals are invited to add a 'how to' page to the micro-farming info pages. Include descriptions and photos that best present your craft so that others with an interest can dig deeper and ultimately refine and improve the process.

Please feel free to add your pages in your native tonque since most browsers offer the viewer the possibility of instant web page translation to your selected mother tongue.




The essence of permaculture in English.

The essence of permaculture in Italiano.

Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more